Lessons for product managers and designers from Stephen King

The latest post on Life Optimizer stated 17 lessons from Stephen King on how to be a successful writer. Since I am in the field of product management and design, I could instantly see how these lessons apply directly to me.

Below are the 17 lessons with my interpretation in italic:
  1. Do what you love
  2. Practice, practice, practice
  3. Be serious
  4. Ignore naysayers
  5. Have a (business executive) supporter
  6. Immerse yourself in the field
  7. Be consistent
  8. Study the work of others
  9. Study the market
  10. Spot ideas
  11. Keep the momentum going
  12. Get the first draft out as quickly as possible (prototyping and iterative product cycles)
  13. Get rid of the inessentials (fight feature creep)
  14. Be your own first customer (design reviews)
  15. Don’t do it for the money
  16. Do it for the joy
  17. Do it to enrich others and yourself


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